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What is a General Improvement District? 

A general improvement district is a local government entity organized to provide public improvements. General improvement districts can construct and maintain street improvements, traffic and safety controls, drainage facilities, parks and recreation and police/fire improvements.  While the general improvement district is located in Denver, it is a governmental entity separate from the City and County of Denver.

How do I know if I’m within the boundaries of the District? 

Please see the GID’s boundary map to determine if you are within the GID’s boundaries. If you are still unsure, please contact the GID. 

Boundary Map
How do I obtain more information about current or proposed projects? 

The GID strives to update its website to provide information about all current and future projects.  If you have any questions, please contact the GID. 

How often are Board Meetings held? 

The GID does not hold regularly scheduled meetings, but instead meets on an as needed basis.  Please check back frequently for posted meeting notices on the Board Meetings page.

How can I become an Advisory Board member? 

There are three positions on the Advisory Board for registered electors of the GID. Citizen appointments to the Advisory Board are made by the Advisory Board.  If you are interested in joining the Advisory Board, please contact the GID at